Miley Cyrus Is Going Brunette, Y’all!

Good news, brunettes: Miley Cyrus is joining our fold.

As any woman who’s not naturally blonde knows, keeping your hair at bleach blonde bombshell will leave your hair looking fried and over processed if you’re not careful.

Even though Miley probs has the money to keep dying her hair for infinity and beyond, it seems like she’s finally decided it’s time to go back to her roots.

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Honestly, given her Happy Hippie philosophy, it’s surprising she’s waited this long to make the leap into au natural territory.

On Tuesday she posted a picture of herself, clutching her hair with the caption, “goin back 2 muah rootz #LAZY #growingphase.”

And of course because she’s Miley, almost every word is spelled weirdly, just in case you needed reminding she’s weird af.

READ ALSO: Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth Painted Each Other’s Butts This Weekend

goin back 2 muah rootz #LAZY #growingphase

A photo posted by Miley Cyrus (@mileycyrus) on

Oh, Miley.

We can’t wait to see brunette you again.

Gimme More POP

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