Kylie Jenner Has New Merch Coming Out and It Looks Hot

Depressed about Donald Trump getting sworn in?
Confused by Ivanka’s decision to wear a formal skort in public?
Sick to your stomach over the revelation that Trump’s already deleted all LGBT references from the White House’s website?

Well boy, do I have some good news for you!

Kylie Jenner is coming out with another round of merchandise for her self-titled Kylie Shop!

READ ALSO: Kylie’s First IRL Store Location Is: The Mall

On Thursday, Kylie gave her followers a sneak peak and let me tell you, it’s fire.


#NewMerch ❤️❤️❤️❤️ For shopping, click the link in bio

A photo posted by Kylie Jenner Snapchats (@kylizzlesnapchats) on

There are also a fair amount of references to the Hidden Hills neighborhood of Calabasas where Kylie currently owns multiple mansions, some of which are literally right next to each other!

READ ALSO: Kylie Just Dropped $4.5 Million On the House Next to Her Other House


A video posted by Kylie Jenner Snapchats (@kylizzlesnapchats) on

Kylie’s new merch is gonna be lit.

It’s gonna be bad & bougie.

And teens are gonna eat it up like hot cakes.

I tell you, that Kylie Jenner is a merchandising machine!

She can’t stop, she won’t stop, and we’re loving it.

Gimme More POP

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