Selena Peer Pressured This “13 Reasons Why” Star Into Using Insta

Selena Gomez has a twisted relationship with Instagram, to put it mildly.

She’s gone on the record of saying she “can’t stand” it and makes a weekly tradition out of deleting and re-installing the app on her phone, even though that means calling up her assistant for help because Selena doesn’t trust herself to know what her own password is.

You’d think with a relationship like that Selena wouldn’t encourage anybody to start using Instagram who wasn’t already, but you’d be wrong.

In an interview Katherine Langford, the actress who stars in “13 Reasons Why” as the infamous Hannah Baker explained that until Selena Gomez started peer pressuring her to get an Instagram account, it wasn’t ever something she’d considered.

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“I wanted to be an actor purely for the acting work,” Katherine told The Last Magazine. “I didn’t want to make myself a consumable product. I just wanted to be able to do my job and then disappear.”

Although TBH that was only part of the reason. Katherine was also low key worried she wouldn’t be able to take enough cool pictures, which is such a delightfully honest answer it half makes me want to stan for her.

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But when “Selena pointed out that the show is targeting young adults like me and that [social media] is a good medium to talk directly with those who relate to my character, Hannah,” Katherine says she realized it was time to enter the Instagram void.

And of course the lucky frickin duck already has 3.5 million followers and is the first option that pops up when you search for “Katherine.”

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If you ever needed any further proof that Selena is a straight up Intagram addict, look no further.

She doesn’t know how to quit it and she’s doing everything she can to make the people around her succumb to the dark side too.

[H/T Refinery29]

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