[PREMIERE]: Valley Hush’s “Sedimentary” Is a Mix of Lana Del Rey & MGMT

Valley Hush is self-described as “connecting the dots between Tame Impala, Grimes, Gorillaz, and Lana Del Rey,” and when you take a listen to their latest track you’ll see why.

Because the duo consists of one girl and one guy, they also give off some serious Matt & Kim or Angus & Julia Stone vibes.

The track is about relationships and accepting each relationship as a new one rather than focusing on your ex or a way you felt in the past.

“‘Sedimentary’ acknowledges our fast-moving society and how it’s reflected in the way we treat and dismiss each other,” explains the band. “So many ‘romantic’ situations I know of are people trying to give themselves to someone who is so wrapped up in their own world and fears, that they aren’t able to recognize love or authenticity when it’s right in their face. I think a lot of people have this misconceived idea that love is supposed to make you feel like it did at some other time in your life, not realizing that they are an entirely different person now.”

Check out the track below and enjoy the relaxing, slightly trippy sound.

Gimme More POP

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