Watch Katy Perry Leave Her House with a Lollipop In Her Hair Totally Naked

Katy Perry is one of those celebrities whose personal style can be described as whimsical to a fault, which helps explain why she let herself be filmed leaving her house with a lollipop and some popcorn pieces stuck in her hair.


To prove that, in her own words, “this year you can look like shit when you vote!”

Why thank you, Katy. I wasn’t aware of that.

Only then Katy decided that her pajamas didn’t really go with her look so she ripped them off in one masterful tear and promptly got arrested because as apparently everybody but Katy Perry knows, public nudity is a no-no.

Okay, so I forget to tell you that this was all in the name of Funny or Die’s latest Everybody Votes campaign video, which theoretically changes everything, but doesn’t – unless this was her way of trying to get even with Orlando for his naked paddleboarding incident.

Now that would be funny.

Oh well, whatever it takes to get people excited about voting, right?

Gimme More POP

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