RiRi’s Bates Motel Scene Proves Cheaters Always Get What They Deserve

Ever since the announcement was made that Rihanna would be appearing on season five of “Bates Motel” as famed Marion Crane, fans were awaiting the iconic shower scene  from the 1960s film, Psycho to debut on the show. And the show’s creators didn’t make us wait long.

After she stole a case of $400,000 from her boss, Marion headed east to White Pine Bay, where she checks into the Bates Motel to wait for her lover, Sam Loomis. As soon as Norman lays eyes on the beauty, he immediately falls for her. As expected, he places her in the room where he can conveniently keep an eye on her through his peeping hole.

While waiting her Sam, she decides to take a shower, but not without the presence of Norman spying on her through the hole in the wall as she strips down into her lingerie. But instead of the infamous moment happening when she hears something outside the bathroom, nothing happens! Instead, after a short scrub, Marion turns off the water and decides to go looking for Sam herself. It was then that she found out that Sam was married.

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To save Marion from himself, Norman convinces her to leave with the money, making Marion clear of dying… for now.

While all that’s happening, Sam is desperately searching for Marion after she showed up at his place and completely destroyed his car. When he finally shows up at the hotel, he finds her long gone. So, what does he do while he hopefully waits for her return?

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Takes a shower, naturally.

And guess who shows up after? Mr. Norman Bates.

So, Norman creeps up on Sam in the shower and gives the killing butcher knife stabs initially intended for Marion (based on the film) to Sam — complete with blood splatters.

Talk about about an unexpected turn of events.

Make sure to catch Bates Motel every Monday night on A&E at 10pm.

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