Camila Cabello’s First Single Is About Crying at the Club
Pretty much everybody who’s anybody in the pop music scene has been releasing new music these past two weeks. It’s been vaguely overwhelming, but also not because let’s be real, it’s just pop music.
Not wanting to be left out, Camila Cabello decided she also wanted in on the action. So she released her first solo single, “Crying in the Club.”
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Fans of Camila Cabello will be happy to know that “Crying in the Club” is a total bop. It sounds like everything that’s already on the charts in a good way and have no fear, you’ll be hearing it everywhere this summer.
For people who aren’t fans of Camila Cabello, don’t worry. The song is fine, you won’t hate it, but it’s probably not gonna get so big that you’ll have to learn who Camila is and start to care about her. But if you do want to, just read this story
“Crying in the Club” seems like kind of song that you hear during the day and you just feel OK about, but if it comes on when you’re out and three vodka sodas deep suddenly it becomes your favorite song.
It’s also kind of hilarious because the chorus features Camila asserting multiple times that there is no crying in the club, but also assuring everybody that if you really have to cry in the club, it’s fine. Just find her, get it all out, and in like five minutes your tears will “turn to ecstasy.”
Mhmmmm k, girl.
It also features a little melodic aaahing that sounds taken from “Genie in a Bottle” which neither adds to nor detracts from the listening experience.
Oh, and there’s also a music video that features a very long, very moody cat intro song.
So good job, Camila.
You really did it.