Those “savage” photos Rob posted of Blac Chyna seem like revenge porn

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, then you already know Rob Kardashian and Blac Chyna’s love story didn’t end with them riding off into the sunset in a golden lambo.

They’ve both spilled the tea about their problems on social media before, but today, Rob really crossed the line into psychotic behavior when he Instagrammed what he said were photos of Chyna’s vagina, breasts, and butt.

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According to the hard-working gossip-hounds at TMZ, who BTW are usually right about this type of thing, this whole thing started two weeks ago when Rob allegedly got a DM from some rando lady.

But she wasn’t trying to slide into his DMs to get some. She claimed to have proof that Chyna and some random rapper named Ferrari had been hooking up for a hot second.

Now last I checked Blac Chyna and Rob weren’t together, but apparently at the time this rando slid into Rob’s DMs, they had reconciled.

TMZ’s sources say Rob went on a secret crusade to figure out whether this intel about Blac Chyna was true or not, but then over the weekend Ferrari posted this photo and all hell broke loose.

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No Stress Zone🙅🏾‍♂️… Medusa Was a 🐍🖕🏾 Money Motivated💰

A post shared by Only 1 Ferrari (@ferraritru3) on

While this photo looks pretty harmless, according to Rob, that bed was “the same bed Chyna and I made our baby in,” and that robe was something “I prob paid for.”

And in true Rob form, he decided to confront Blac Chyna about this on social media, where everybody could get a whiff of all their dirty laundry.

In a series of increasingly unhinged posts, Rob posted a video he claims “Chyna just sent me” of her and some random dude who Rob later claimed is not Ferrari, kissing. He claims this was how she chose to wish him “a happy 4th of July.”

He wrote: “Hahahaha Chyna just sent me this video saying happy 4th of July what a crazy person. Come spend time with your daughter instead of fucking me and then this dude right after. U need help.”

Then he re-posted the picture of Ferrari in bed complaining about how Ferrari hit him up saying if Rob didn’t “link” with him and help him “get money” because “he can’t handle the bills to take care of Chyna,” then Ferrari would “expose Chyna.”

Oh, and Rob said that “everyone fucks” her.

And from there things started to get really messy.

He posted a video of Blac Chyna in a hospital bed with the caption, “everyone wonders how Chyna lost all that weight after the baby and she lies to everyone, but no I’m such a great husband that on our anniversary I paid 100k to do this surgery to get all everything fixed as much as they could.”

He posted multiple screenshots of iPhone notes he wrote about how much drugs Chyna was allegedly doing and how she sent him naked photos while she was actively fucking other dudes, which last time we checked, is something a woman is allowed to do when she’s just casually seeing somebody, even if that somebody is her baby daddy.

And then he posted what appeared to be multiple photos of Blac Chyna’s naked butt,vagina and breasts, which were promptly deleted by Instagram.

Somewhere in the middle of this posting spree, Chyna went on Snapchat to allege that Rob had “beat me up” during the relationship but she was supposed to be quiet about it because “you’re a Kardashian.”


Since this is all a lot, let us fill you in on what really matters here.

It doesn’t matter whether or not Blac Chyna cheated on Rob. It doesn’t matter whether or not she sent him a video of her hooking up with another dude. It doesn’t matter how many dudes she was hooking up with two weeks ago. It doesn’t matter how much money Rob spent on her while they were together. It doesn’t matter whether or not she got plastic surgery after Dream was born. And it doesn’t matter whether or not she’s taking some extracurricular drugs.

What matters is that there’s nothing Blac Chyna could have done to warrant Rob’s decision to post nude photos of her online. Especially since his intent with those photos seems to have been to embarrass and degrade Chyna.

And even though TMZ is arguing that according to the rules in the state of California, what Rob did might not be officially illegal, it’s still super messed up — and if Chyna truly didn’t consent to his publishing those photos, then she could probs take him to court.

Like just think about what you’d say if some clown your friend dated did this. Or think about wtf you’d say if one of your guy friends told you he’d finally figured out the perfect way to get revenge on his ex. No matter what she did to him, you’d still probably tell him he was being a pyscho and needed to take that shit down.

Because talking shit about somebody online is one thing, but once you start posting naked photos of them they never intended to be seen by the public eye, you’ve crossed the line.

While something like this could crush a regular person, Blac Chyna appears to be choosing to take the high road.

After all this went down she posted a series of Snapchats wearing a whole bunch of jewelry while a Drake song plays with the lyrics, “It look like we in love, but only on camera / Only on camera, only on camera / Don’t listen to the lies, I swear they all lies.”

More power to her, but that doesn’t make what Rob did to her okay.

Not that Rob’s willing to own up to that. He still thinks he’s “a savage” for posting nude photos of Chyna.

Earth to Rob, you’re delusional. You’re not a savage, just an asshole.

Boy, bye.

Update: While writing this post, Rob revealed on Twitter that Instagram had deleted his account, which is pretty cool of Instagram.

“Since Instagram shut me down, everyone peep me Twitter lol,” he wrote.

Unfortunately, Rob didn’t take that as a sign he should stop what he’s doing, so now he’s re-posting all his photos and hateful receipts on Twitter.

Fingers crossed Twitter steps up to the plate and deletes Rob’s account too. And fast.

Gimme More POP

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