Kylie’s New Merch Can Best Be Described As One Word: Thick!

We told you Kylie Jenner’s new merch looked hot, but we were wrong.

Kylie’s new merch doesn’t look hot.

It looks thick — exclamation point.

READ ALSO: Kylie Jenner Has New Merch Coming Out and It Looks Hot

Yesterday, Kylie posted some *actual* images from her new collection on Instagram and they all have the same emphatically emphasized word on them: thick!

There are bikini tops that say “thick!” on the cup.

Sports bras and boxers that say “thick! thick! thick!” around the band.

And sweatpants that can’t even contain their enthusiasm at being bootylicious, yelling, “thick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” down their legs.

Oh, and there are also hats which, believe it or not, also extol the wonders of having the curves to make him swerve.

All Different Types #THICK

A photo posted by Official Kylie Jenner Shop (@thekylieshop) on

All Different Types #THICK

A photo posted by Official Kylie Jenner Shop (@thekylieshop) on

All Different Types #THICK

A photo posted by Official Kylie Jenner Shop (@thekylieshop) on

But, as one user from iconic celebrity gossip site the Daily Mail pointed out, in the UK, “thick” doesn’t mean bootylicious.

It means stupid.

So, just keep that in mind when you’re planning to flee the country or study abroad.

[H/T Daily Mail]

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