Katy Perry’s “Swish Swish” music video is very meta

Bless her heart, Katy Perry has tried a lot of different tactics to make people care about her latest, but already forgotten album, “Witness.”

She tried to show off how woke she was, she tried to get Hillary Clinton elected, she tried a Migos collaboration, she tried a partnership with a viral teenage dancer, she tried to resurrect her beef with Taylor, she tried to resolve her beef with Taylor, and she tried to make people care about a 24/7 livestream of her life.

None of it worked, although I still think “Bon Appetite” is a good song and my boyfriend can’t shut up about how cool Backpack Kid is.

But in one last attempt to score a win off of her latest album, Katy Perry released a music video about a failed team’s last attempt to score a win off their latest season.

Is it hella meta? Yeah.

But is it actually a win for Katy? Yeah, no.

READ ALSO: Something’s up with Katy Perry

Like most 6:24 minute long music videos, the “Swish Swish” video feels like it could have been edited down a little more.

Sure, Katy’s video for “Last Friday Night (TGIF)” was a whopping 8:11 minutes long, but just because you pulled something off once doesn’t mean you’ll be able to do strike gold a second time.

The basic gist of the video, as you might imagine, is that Katy is the “star” of a failing basketball team called The Tigers.

As the sports casters on “Swish Center,” an obvious play on “Sports Center,” remark, The Tigers “haven’t had a good season” and “despite all her best efforts, [Katy’s character] just seems to keep falling flat on her face.”

Sometimes literally.


And despite being injected with performance enhancing drugs on the sideline, Katy and her team keep sucking, until Nicki Minaj magically appears out of nowhere to inspire them.

Given how woke Katy Perry is you’d think she’d want to avoid playing into the “magical black friend” stereotype, but hey, like Katy’s Twitter bio says, she knows nothing.




Things then turn around and Katy and her team manage to pull off a single win.

How inspiring.


The video is campy and childish and while those have always been values Katy’s built an identity off of, now that she’s older and theoretically woker, they just don’t hit as strongly as they used to.

Although to be fair, seeing as her last attempts at pivoting her personality didn’t work, you can’t blame Katy for returning to a formula that worked in the past.

Hopefully after her year-long Witness tour and stint as an American Idol judge ends, Katy can regroup and figure out a more successful path to go down.

Despite your losing season Katy, we’re still sort of rooting for you.

Gimme More POP

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