How To Talk Dirty In Russian
Russia is known for having some of the world’s most beautiful women, but it turns out that their men are equally as nice looking. They’re super manly, dominant, and they certainly know how to spoil a chick.
But unlike Spanish or French, the Russian language is completely foreign to someone who only speaks English (it’s not a romance language, making it even more tricky). So, how’re you supposed to wow that Russian hottie you matched with on Tinder last week? With this Galore guide to Russian dirty talk, of course. We’re going to be spelling out some of the hottest phrases you can say in Russian, but using the English keyboard. So don’t worry if you’re not confident in your own pronunciations, that’s what sexting is for.
1. Ya hotela tebya ves’ den’
Translation: I’ve wanted you all day
This is the perfect message to send bae after he’s been drinking vodka all day long (that’s what they do in Russia, right?)
2. Mne nravitsya kogda ti trogaesh menya tam
Translation: I like it when you touch me there
Where’s “there?” It’s wherever you want it to be honey! It’s always good to tell your partner (whether he speaks English or not) that he’s doing a good job.
3. Ya hochy bit’ sverhwho
Translation: I want to be on top
It’s easy to make love to someone when you don’t speak the same language, but it’s not quite as easy to communicate. Better safe than sorry, and at least know how to tell him when you want to get in your favorite position.
4. Ya hochy tebya vnutri menya
Translation: I want you inside
A classic. Pretty sure you can never go wrong with this one, regardless of the language barrier.
5. Pokazhi mne svoi hui
Translation: Show me your thingy
Hell yeah, make that boy whip it out and send you a Snapchat (or maybe a plain old iMessage, if he dares).