You Can Now Play “Snake” on Facebook Messenger

Here’s something that’ll bring you back to playing Meerca Chase on and flip phones before unlimited 4G internet.

Facebook, no longer just for in-depth investigations of your new boo, has added Snake to Messenger and it’s really lit.

You can compete with your friends to see who can get the highest score and gameplay involves eating apples and eggs while avoiding snails, walls, and other obstacles. I assume this Snake isn’t a fan of escargot?

The graphics still give off that old school vibe but with a 2017 remix. As you can see above, my very sad high score is 575 but you can play at different speeds, 1 being the slowest and 3 being the fastest, so that your score goes up at a faster rate. The eggs also unlock different levels.

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To play, open Messenger on your phone or computer and open up a conversation with someone. Click the tiny video game controller icon and select Snake. And voila, another way to interact with your friends without actually talking to them (besides memes).

Or, you could just search “Snake” in the search bar on Messenger and it’ll pop up.

Gimme More POP

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