19 of Kylie Jenner’s Most Buck Wild Preteen Moments

Back in the day, Kylie Jenner was a lot to handle.

She’d dance on stripper poles while pretending to be shooting the latest “Girls Gone Wild” video, kick the shit out of her sister Kendall, and sacrifice her mother to the party gods because YOLO.

In honor of her 19th birthday, here are 19 of Kylie Jenner’s most iconic, buck wild, bratty and hilarious preteen moments. Special shoutout to @kardashiianreact, the Instagram account that compiles stuff like this so you don’t have to.

READ ALSO: Kylie Jenner Celebrated Her Laser Hair Removal With a #Baldpuss Hat

1. When Kylie bitched Kris out for being a supportive mother to Kendall


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“It’s just gonna get to her head and then all of us are gonna be in her little throne path and listening to her and we’re gonna be like, ‘oh my god, you’re right. you’re like the coolest person because you model when you’re 14.’”

2. When Kylie throws a temper tantrum over some modeling photos


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“Honestly, you guys always favor Kendall and it’s not okay!”

3. When Kylie drops some sexual knowledge at the dinner table

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“It’s not actually a cherry, it’s a hymen.” 

4. When Kylie wears too much makeup for the 6th grade

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“Will someone just be on my side for once?”

5. When Kylie and Kendall tie their brother to a stripper pole.

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Brody: “Why do you want to tie me up to a stripper pole?”
Kylie: “Because you’re being a bad boy.”

6. When Kylie won’t stop squishing Kris’s boobs

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Kylie: “Your boob is really squishy! Your boob is squishy!”
Kris: “You’re like psycho child.”

7. When Kylie and Kendall got caught stealing Bruce’s credit card


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“Dad, we’ve borrowed your credit card before. It’s not a big deal.”

8. When Kylie sacrifices her mother for the good of the tribe

this is amazing

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“You are our sacrifice!

9. When Kylie makes fun of Kim behind her back.

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“I am Kim Kardashian. I’m fabulous and I’m the best and everybody does what I say and soon I’ll be the queen of the world!”

10. When Kylie and Kendall get a tutorial from a hot bartender about how to make drinks


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“Do you think that’s appropriate?”

11. When Khloe offered to help Kylie with her homework and Kylie was like, “Byeeeee.”

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“I’ll wash my hands. They’re really sticky.

12.When Kylie and Kendall kicked the shit out of each other


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“Oh, God!”

13.When Kylie slams the door on Kim’s face and Kimmy gets PISSED


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“Don’t be rude!”

14. When Kylie explains to Kendall what a tampon is

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“It soaks all the blood.”

15. When Bruce throws a fit about how grown Kylie’s dressing and Kylie gets sassy about it


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“My friend Dylan likes the way I dress.”

16. When Kylie learns what the word hectic means

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“What does that mean?”

17. When Kylie asks the bartender to give her a strong drink

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“Make it strong.”

18. When Bruce turns around for 5 seconds and Kylie has a guy in her room


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“Dad, you’re so annoying and I’m never going to talk to you again because you always do this.”

19. When Kylie pretends she’s on Girls Gone Wild

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“Girls gone wild!”

Gimme More POP

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