It’s tough to maintain a perfect balance of being drunk and high at the same time, a.k.a getting twisted, without getting the spins or puking on your carpet.
Thanks to Mary Jane Wines, you can now have professionally blended weed & wine, instead of holding a solo cup in one hand and a blunt in the other.
Honestly, with all the other crazy marijuana products lately, from gourmet edibles to lube, it was only a matter of time before someone decided to blend weed with another wonderful vice that begins with a W.
A photo posted by Mary Jane Wines® (@maryjanewines) on
Unfortunately, because the wines contain real Cannabidiol extract (otherwise known as CBD), you need a medical marijuana license to get the wine. You can also only purchase the wine in California right now, because other 420-friendly states have not legalized the mixing of alcohol and marijuana.
But if you do live in California and happen to have a medical marijuana license laying around, you can purchase the wine. Just be aware that it’s a little pricier than your normal bottle of Barefoot. The bottles can cost anywhere from $120 to $400. So maybe save the wine for a special occasion…or find a sugar daddy who loves getting high & drunk as much as you do.
Either way, we’d love to get our hands on some of this wine. Chelsea Handler is a big fan allegedly, and we totally trust her judgement.
About The Author: Ashley Uzer
Ashley Uzer is an LA-based writer who covers dating, fashion, beauty, culture, + more. Follow Ashley on Instagram and Twitter.
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