Selena’s Mom Is Now Commenting on The Weeknd’s Insta

When it comes to social media, being friends with your parents will inevitably lead to awkward situations.

Especially when they’re not just friends with you, they’re friends with whoever you’re dating.

While they’ll probably ignore every photo you’re not in, as soon as they spot their precious baby, they’ll probably say something embarrassing in the comment section.

Sadly, Selena Gomez found this out the hard way when her mother couldn’t resist sharing her thoughts on a picture The Weeknd posted of them at the Met Gala.

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Waiting until he was back to wearing comfortable pants and not being photographed from one billion angles, Abel posted this pic of him and Selena where it’s very clear how much he Facetuned his own features.

A post shared by The Weeknd (@theweeknd) on

And instead of calling him out on it, Selena’s mom said something very earnest.

“Glowing, smiling, looking health and equal love,” Selena’s mother wrote in surprisingly nonsense English for a 41-year-old woman.

And then, as if this wasn’t already apparent enough, she added, “Mama is happy XO.”

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Of course rabid Selena fans instantly pounced on this knowledge and now there are hundreds of stories being written about it, which doubtlessly only compounded Selena’s mortification.

Can’t parents just be chill for once?

[H/T Refinery29]

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