Miley Cyrus Got a Very Australian Tattoo to Match Her Very Australian Boyfriend

Last month, Miley Cyrus wore Liam Hemsworth’s name on her back and this month, she decided to get his favorite snack tattooed on her arm.

Over the weekend, Miley Cyrus paid a visit to LA-based tattoo artist Doctor Woo, and commissioned him to give her a tiny tattoo of a jar of Vegemite on the back of her left arm.

@mileycyrus don’t play when it comes to #vegemite 🍴 #halfneedle

A photo posted by Doctor Woo Tattoo (@_dr_woo_) on

Obviously, even though Miley impulsively gets questionable tattoos all the time, this can only be interpreted as a sign of her undying devotion to Liam because as any non-Australian who’s ever tried Vegemite knows, that shit is really gross.

Even Vegemite’s personal website can’t think of a more appetizing description fot the spread than, “a dark brown Australian food paste made from leftover brewers’ yeast extract with various vegetables and spice additives.”

Gross, right?

Still, for some odd reason Australians can’t get enough of the stuff.

Just last week Liam was gushing about the stuff to Sunday Style saying that a tall glass of “Milo (a chocolate milk drink) and Vegemite on toast” was his go-to after school snack, and that he practically “lived on it” growing up.

Which is really sad, but also explains a lot.

Like maybe it’s not so much that he loves Vegemite but that he was brainwashed into loving Vegemite.

Between Miley’s Veganism and Liam’s love of food paste, say your prayers that these two never decide to procreate, because those kids are going to have it rough.

[H/T Us

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