Miley and Liam Finally Made Their First Public Appearance

If you’ve been following Miley and Liam’s relationship in exhausting detail like we have, then you know that this famously on-again-off-again couple has been taking things at a glacial pace this time around.

After making us wait months before holding hands in public, and then making us wait another three before they started getting weird and painting each other’s butts at parties, Miley and Liam have slowly, but surely been preparing us for this monumental moment in their courtship: their first public appearance.

On Friday, the couple attended Variety’s Power of Women luncheon in LA to celebrate Miley’s cover story, where she talked about how she gave up Walmart for weed.

Miley wore a frilly navy pantsuit and Liam wore a boring black suit.

Obviously, they still need to get a hang of this dressing as a couple thing, but we’ll give them a pass just this once.

They’ll get it in another two or three months.

Gimme More POP

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