Get Over The Hump With Louise Chantal’s Super Lit Drake/Rihanna Mashup
Over the weekend, NY-based RnB songstress Louise Chantal released a Drake/Rihanna mashup that can give you life on even the gloomiest day.
Combing 3 of your favorite songs (Drake’s “Controlla” and “One Dance,” Rihanna’s “Work”) and 1 dancehall song you’ve probably never heard of (Gyptain’s “Hold Yu), Louise Chantal may have just the done the impossible: create a mashup that’s just as good as the songs it’s marrying together.
We guarantee you’ll want to listen to this song on repeat to get you over the hump this week, next week, and every week after that.
Over the weekend you released your VIEWS mashup – how did you get the idea to put those songs together?
I actually thought of the idea last Wednesday. I was getting off the subway at the Spring St stop in SoHo and heading to the gym and I was listening to the “Work” instrumental and just started freestyling and singing different songs over the beat. I was having so much fun with it that I decided in that moment that I was going to record it and put it on my Soundcloud.
Did you already have an idea that they’d work well together?
I definitely felt the four songs would work together because they all have this dancehall vibe. The part that I had to be most careful about was song transitions and the harmonies because I knew those two elements would really dictate whether or not the listening experience felt organic, fun, and original while still remaining true to the magic that each of the original songs captured.
That Gyptian song is like 6 years old, right? Were you just randomly listening to it at the time or did something about those Drake and Rihanna songs make you think of it?
The Drake and Rihanna songs definitely made me think about Gyptian’s “Hold Yuh” because I still remember to this day what it was like during the summer when “Hold Yuh” dropped. The record has such a feel good energy that makes you want to get up dance and wine down no matter where you are. And I am Guyanese and Bajan so I just felt like I couldn’t do a dancehall inspired medley without putting in a older record that was still true to the culture.
Have you listened to Views yet? What do you think?
Yes I have! A few of my favorites are definitely “Controlla,” “One Dance,” “Too Good” and “Keep the Family Close.”
Do you think either Drake or Rihanna are TBE status yet?
There will never be another Drake or Rihanna. I think their accomplishments speak for themselves and what they bring to the table individually and collaboratively is something that I am honored to be able to witness. And I look forward to following in their footsteps by creating a legacy and lane of my own.
Last question, when you’re feeling the hump day blues, what do you do to turn things around?
Lately, when I’ve been feeling hump day blues I just turn the TV on or pull up my TIDAL app on my phone and watch Lemonade because Beyonce has given me so much life on her latest album.
And afterwards I usually blast my latest single, “Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is,” in my room and envision the music video, which we’re gearing up to film in a couple weeks, so that just makes me super excited!
Listen to Louise Chantal’s super lit mashup below and get ready to wine the hump day blues away:
See also:
Louise Chantal Channels Marilyn Monroe in the Premiere of ‘CalNeva’
Photo credit to Arturo Evaristo