Lindsay Lohan Has An Instagram Fail…In Arabic
What is it about using another language that makes you feel so cool? Is it that you seem exotic? Smarter? Better than everyone else who only speaks English?
Whatever it is, it’s probably the same reason that the majority of 20-something white girls choose to get an “inspirational” quote tattooed on their body in a language that they don’t even speak. Thankfully for Lindsay Lohan, she didn’t get her latest Instagram post tattooed on her (at least, not that we know of).
The actress, who has stayed out of headlines recently, decided to post an image with the words “you’re beautiful” in Arabic.
Unfortunately, as you may have guessed, Lohan doesn’t actually speak and/or read Arabic. The words that she had thought translated to “you’re beautiful,” actually translated to “you’re a donkey,” or more literally “you’re an ass.”
Props to whoever created this little image, because it’s pretty funny that they knew a bunch of non-Arabic speaking people would post it in their ignorance.
Lohan has since deleted the post, but of course not without a million people already seeing (and screen-shotting it).
Although this was clearly an honest mistake, maybe we should take more precautions next time we try to be “artsy”…