North West Did Not Enjoy Her First Kanye Concert

It’s a known fact that North West is the most adorable celebrity child to ever exist.

And if it’s not, it should because look at this face.

My sweet baby girl 🌸🌼🌸

A photo posted by Kim Kardashian West (@kimkardashian) on

Last night Kim decided that it was half past time for her three-year-old daughter to go to her first concert, and unlike that lame-o baby boy band shit you wistfully look back on as your first time, Nori’s first concert was Kanye’s Saint Pablo tour.

But unlike myself or any of the other Kanye West stans I know, North West did NOT look happy to be there.

Likeon a scale of one to HATING IT, Nori wished she’d never been born.

Reason #1: It was too damn loud.

Reason #2: Isn’t it bad enough that she has to listen to Kanye all the time at home? Why did she have to dress up like a disco ball and stay up past her bedtime to do it in public? Doesn’t Kim know she needs her beauty rest?

Hell, North West even looks unhappy in all of the paparazzi photos that got taken that night.

Although to be fair, now that she’s old enough to go to concerts, maybe she also thinks she’s too old to wear matching dresses with her mother in public.

And so it begins, Kim.

For your sake, let’s just hope Nori doesn’t go through a buck wild phase like Kylie did.

Welcome to the joys of having a daughter.

Gimme More POP

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