Kendall Fell For a Weight Loss Trick That Was Too Good to Be True

We’ve all done some pretty questionable things to lose weight, but when it comes to cockamamie diet schemes, Kendall Jenner really takes the cake.

A few months ago, Kendall decided she needed to paint her living room pink. Not because she’s a huge “Legally Blonde” fan, but because her friends assured her it would help her eat less.

And it had to be true because they learned about it in a museum.

She explained on her app:

“I went to dinner with friends and they had just done to the ‘Human Condition’ exhibition at a former hospital in L.A. They were telling me there’s a pink room at the exhibit that had an explanation of the color choice: Baker-Miller Pink is the only color scientifically proven to calm you AND suppress your appetite. I was like, ‘I NEED this color in my house!’ I then found someone to paint the room and now I’m loving it!”

kenny’s pink xmas

A photo posted by Kendall (@kendalljenner) on

But you know what they say about diets that sound too good to be true, right?

They’re all baloney.

As Elle points out, in the 1980s, the US Navy did a four year study and found that out of nearly 1,700 subjects, about a third of them thought Baker-Miller pink reduced their appetite, while the rest of the subjects, a.k.a. the majority of the subjects, weren’t so convinced.

Oh well, at least it looks cute.

[H/T Elle]


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