Demi Lovato Totally Copied Cara Delevingne’s First Tattoo

Demi Lovato just got a brand spankin’ new tattoo, but we couldn’t help notice it looks exactly like one Cara Delevingne got four years ago.


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Let’s examine the evidence, shall we?

Four years ago, Cara Delevingne got a detailed portrait of a lion tattooed on her finger by NYC-based tattoo artist to the stars Bang Bang.

It was her first inking and she was very proud of it.


On Tuesday, Bang Bang posted a picture of Demi Lovato with a slightly less detailed portrait of a lion that takes up her entire hand.

@ddlovato sometimes the canvas makes the art 😉 Thank you for your trust

A post shared by Bang Bang Tattoo (@bangbangnyc) on

Yes, it’s bigger, but isn’t it pretty much the same tattoo?

Then again, it’s not like getting a tattoo is necessarily that original of an experience.

Just think about how many people you know who got infinity signs on their ribcages or something vaguely tribal on their arms.

Still, you think Demi could have at least chosen a different tattoo artist to help her get her roar on.

Oh well, cat’s already out of the bag.

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