Contouring Is Out And ‘Draping’ Is In

The latest makeup trend has emerged, and it’s all about blush.

That’s right, put down the contour stick. The new way to face sculpt is by using the draping technique, and even big name beauty brands like Marc Jacobs have deemed the trend as fashionable.

“It’s the new way to blush,” Gilbert Soliz, global makeup artist for Marc Jacobs beauty, told Marie Claire. “You’re essentially changing the shape of the face with color, using it to drape the contours of your face to achieve what you desire, whether it’s lift, sculpt, volume, or balance.”

The “drape” method, which was popular in the 80s, follows the natural bone structure to create a perfectly made-up look. Here’s how to achieve the look:

1. Apply the deeper shade of blush just below the apples of the cheeks.

2. Blend along the length of the cheekbone, jawline, and side of the neck.

3. Use a lighter shade on top and blend both colors together.

First “non-touring” and now “draping,” Kim Kardashian was right… contouring is really dead.

Gimme More Beauty

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