Ashlynn Malia Shares “Cool Girl” Single and Music Video, More New Music Coming Soon

L.A.’s rising singer/songwriter, Ashlynn Malia, drops her latest single “Cool Girl” and music video! Check out the music video HERE. Read our Interview with Ashlynn below.

Featured Interview:

Tell us about “Cool Girl”
Cool Girl talks a lot about current dating culture, and all the strange things we do to keep love at arms length and avoid commitment. The song itself is about my experience trying to fit into that culture, trying to stuff myself into the archetype of “cool girl,” the girl who’s chill with no commitment, no consideration, always a good time, and never making her feelings someone else’s problem. I failed miserably, if it’s not obvious after listening to the song and watching the music video.

What does cool mean to you?
In the context of this song, cool kinda means “putting up with anything,” which I don’t actually think is cool at all. In reality having a fucking boundary or two is the coolest thing a person can possibly do.

How are you disrupting culture with your music?
I don’t know if what I’m doing with music can be considered disrupting culture, as cool as that would be. I’m just trying to write from as honest of a place as possible, and whatever comes from my doing that is out of my hands. I will say that a lot of my creative choices for this new wave of recent music are causing discomfort in my own internal environment. Things that the voices in my head never thought I’d share are being put out into the world and I’m having to back them 100%. A bit disruptive for me personally, I guess, but in a way that evokes growth. Hopefully, it can do the same for listeners.

What can we expect from you with this release apart from past ones?
You can expect more boldness, I feel like my filter is melting away, song by song.

How has music helped you become a better person?
Music has in fact helped me become more of a menace.

Dream tour line-up?
Oh man, I mean in terms of who I’d wanna tour with? Lorde. Easy. I love her so much and her writing has had a massive impact on my life.

What is next for you?
That dream tour lineup, hopefully. But between you and me, an album is coming. I am over the moon excited. It’s my first one 🙂

Gimme More

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