This Celeb Trainer Says Walking a Lot Will Give You Abs
If you know you’re wearing a crop top on Saturday night, you’re probably going to be in the gym doing sit-ups and crunches on Friday.
But if you’ve ever felt like your ab exercises weren’t doing shit for your midsection, you were probably right.
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Tons of trainers and nutritionists claim sit-ups, crunches, and other ab exercises won’t actually do all that much for your abs. Some claim abs are really made in the kitchen, but Harley Pasternak, Ariana Grande’s trainer, says abs are made in the street – kind of.
Pasternak gives all of his clients, such as Lady Gaga and Megan Fox, step goals for the day ranging from 10,000-14,000 steps. He claims once you walk that much, you’re already halfway to the elusive six-pack, according to Business Insider.
He explained this is because everyone technically has ab muscles, it’s just fat is covering them. Ab exercises don’t burn fat, but walking does.
So what’s the other half? According to Pasternak, it’s back strengthening exercises.
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From Business Insider:
According to Pasternak, targeting your upper and lower back helps to elongate your torso, whereas targeting your abs too much (over-strengthening them) can actually shorten your torso, which can give you what Pasternak refers to as a “pooch.”
He recommends switching out your ab routine for Superman exercises and TRX back rows.
We kind of want to see the receipts on this. I mean, pretty sure lots of us have been big walkers and have never seen a six-pack grace our bellies, but then again maybe we were missing the back strengthening portion of things?
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Either way, we’ve reached out to Pasternak, because we really want to believe this. Crunches suck, but walking is kind of lit?
We’ll let you know if he provides the receipts. In the mean time, this is a great excuse for you to finally stop Uber-ing to class.