8 Guys We Want to See Kylie With Next
Look, we don’t know wtf is going on between Kylie and Tyga right now but we do know we wouldn’t cry ourselves a river if tomorrow she decided to start stepping out with somebody new.
And even though nobody asked our opinion, here are six guys we think would really float Kylie’s boat, if you know what we mean.
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Jaden Smith
While in general I think it’s a mistake to play the repeat game with your exes, Jaden and Kylie dated back before she really became Kylie Jenner, you know?
They were together before the lip injections and before the lip kits, back when she was still just seen as the baby of the Kardashian-Jenner clan.
Unlike every other boy who tries to insert himself into her situation, Kylie doesn’t have to question whether he likes her for her or because of her famous last name – especially because he has one too.
Plus he’s really cute and also just getting out of a long-term relationship, so the setting couldn’t be more perfect for a little rebound action between the two of them.
And it’d probably make Tyga hella jealous.
Guys hate it when you go back to your exes.
Wonder why.
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Metro Boomin
Okay, yes, he’s got an awful piece of chin hair growing on his face, but since when has it ever been outside a girlfriend’s bill of rights to make a few subtle style adjustments on her man?
Anyway, questionable facial hair aside, Metro Boomin is one of the hottest names in hip hop right now, and he’s only 23, which makes him younger than Tyga but still considerably older than Kylie.
And since he’s a producer and not a rapper, he’s probably the most mature kind of guy Kylie could date in the music industry right now.
Plus he loves dogs, doesn’t do drugs, and most importantly, doesn’t have a child to make Kylie babysit all the damn time.
Some random rich mogul like Jonathan Badeen, one of the co-founders of Tinder
Money can’t buy you happiness, but after dating a guy who allegedly can’t even pay child support, it would be nice for Kylie to date somebody who was on her level financially.
Or, dare I say it, even richer.
Maybe he developed some app that got bought by Google for tens of millions of dollars, maybe his family owns some massive company and that he’s slowly starting to run for them, I don’t know.
But I can see her with somebody rich, who doesn’t mind being photographed when they go out, but also doesn’t mind stepping back to let Kylie shine because he’s confident like that.
Now that’s sexy.
Justin Bieber
Now I know what you’re thinking, there’s no way in hell this would ever happen, but just go with me for a second.
They would be the most famous couple, period.
It wouldn’t even have to be a real relationship, in fact it probably wouldn’t, but they’d still dominate all the headlines every day.
Plus you know that would just tear Tyga up.
Odell Beckham Jr.
Honestly, this one would just be good drama.
Last year Khloe and Odell kind of had a moment at Drake’s house where they were both touching up on each other in a corner, but nothing came of it.
This year, Khloe said that even though it’s not like it’s a competition, comparing herself to Kylie makes her feel hella insecure.
So can you imagine what would happen if Kylie started dating somebody Khloe was previously linked to romantically?
It would be epic and I’m here for it.
Kris, you’re welcome for the hot tip.
READ ALSO: Khloe Says She’s Afraid People Will Think of Her as the “Failing Sister”
Daniel Kaluuya
If Kylie Jenner was a regular teenager, she’d be in college right now.
And if Kylie was applying to colleges right now, Daniel Kaluuya would be her Yale.
You know, the school that was probably out of her reach, but she still wants to take a chance on because why the hell not?
While Daniel Kaluuya isn’t a household name yet, but given how everybody rightfully flipped their fucking lid about “Get Out,” he’ll probably get an Oscar nomination next year, which means he’s a hop, skip and a jump away from becoming a star.
At the very least, he’s on track to be considered a respected actor for the rest of his life, which would be a great look for Kylie.
Plus he’s very hot.
And British.
Need I say more?
Conor Kennedy
Kylie dating Conor Kennedy would be the best of both worlds.
On the one hand, it would further cement the deep animosity between the Kardashians and T Swift, and on the other hand, it would officially make Kylie American royalty.
Kylie could be our Princess Di.
We should all aim so high in life.
Plus, Conor’s pretty woke and got into a bar fight once cuz some asshole supposedly said some messed up homophobic shit to his friend.
Isn’t that sweet?
No guy
Whether or not Tyga and Kylie get back together, they’ve been dating for like two years now, which is an eternity for anybody under the age of 20.
When you’re young, as much as being single can suck, it’s never a good idea to jump from boyfriend to boyfriend.
It’s eyeroll af to say you need to be your own bae, but if you don’t give yourself a little downtime between dicks, you won’t give yourself any time to focus on yourself, which is kind of super important when you’re in your early 20s, which Kylie’s about to be in August.
Boys are fun, but they take up a lot of time and energy, and most of the guys you meet before you’re 25 are gonna be fuckboys anyway.
When you find the right guy, it’s a worthwhile sacrifice that doesn’t even feel like a sacrifice, but until you do, sometimes you’re just better keeping them as side pieces and just living your life.
Plus, let’s be real, no girl ever needs a boyfriend to survive.
They’re not like oxygen.