Trump’s Inaugural Concert Was Empty AF Last Night

Bad news for the bigot, Donald’s inaugural concert was empty AF last night.

Then again, what else can you expect when you lose the popular vote by a couple million?

READ ALSO: 17 Lazy Ways You Can Protest Trump’s Inauguration 

Only about 10,000 people showed up last night to Donald’s Make America Great Again Welcome Concert, Buzzfeed reports.

Maybe 10,000 people sounds like a lot. Butabout 400,000 people showed up to Obama’s 2009 inauguration.

That’s 390,000 more people.

As Donald would say, the difference is yuge.

And yet, ever the completely misguided and misinformed optimist, Donald thought his inaugural concert was the biggest in history.

“We thought it would be a small concert and tens of thousands of people were there,” Trump told his VIP donors later that night. “It went all the way to the back. They never had so many people.”

READ ALSO: Trump Official Implied Kanye Wasn’t “Traditionally American” Enough to Play the Inauguration 

Whether or not those rich folks were fooled is a mystery us peasants will never know, but do you know who wasn’t fooled?


Not off to a good start are you, Donald?

[H/T Cosmopolitan]

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