More Frequent Sex Can Actually Help You Work Out Harder
When working toward your health and fitness goals, you may start analyzing your diet, your workout routine, or even your sleep schedule. Turns out, you might want to start thinking about your orgasm schedule too.
Frequent masturbation and sex have been shown to improve strength, agility, and speed in athletes, a study found — which means that it can probs do the same for you, even if you’re not an athlete per se.
The study was done by sex toy company Adam & Eve, and it monitored 21 athletes, 10 women and 11 dudes. Their results concluded that the subjects who had more sex or masturbated more regularly had better running times, better jumping heights, and a 13% increase in strength.
In fact, masturbating had an even better affect on athletes than regular sex did, giving those who had solo-sex a 10% increase in agility and a 13% increase in strength. This isn’t totally surprising considering how many other benefits masturbating has, but it’s a good point to make next time some cocky athlete tries to convince you to give him a pre-game BJ.
Refinery 29 pointed out that this isn’t the first study to show these results, as almost 50% of runners claimed they ran better after having sex in a Brooks study from last year.
Maybe this is why The Olympics are always known to be a sex frenzy — besides the fact that so many Olympians are sexy af.
“There’s a lot of sex going on at the Olympics,” explained soccer player Hope Solo. “I’ve seen people having sex right out in the open, getting down and dirty on the grass, between buildings.”
Sounds like an awesome time. Horny athletes with bangin’ bodies running around and fucking everywhere? Super casual. At least now they have scientific evidence to prove they’re boning for the good of the country.
In the mean time, here’s yet another excuse for you to go get some dick and/or pussy… or maybe just an excuse to get your ass down to the olympics?!
Photo of Valeria Guznenkova