Russo is the new band whose sound will bring you back to the good old Y2K years
Cailin Russo first started out as a solo act, but realized that she really wanted to be a part of something bigger and something more powerful.
That’s when she decided to hold auditions for bandmates, and shortly after, RUSSO was born. The band consists of Cailin Russo (lead vocals), Hayley Brownell (drums/vocals), Sean Ritchie (bass), and Tyler McCarthy (guitar) – all extremely talented and determined to be the next it-band of our generation with their loud, pop-punk-y sound (not dissimilar to the likes of No Doubt).
The band’s debut EP, “House With A Pool,” releases tomorrow, and if the songs on it are anything like their first singles, “Ghost,” and “Lonely,” then I have no doubt it will be unreal. RUSSO’s sound is able to take you back to the days of pop punk, while still bringing a new vibe to the table.
Don’t forget to give their new EP a listen tomorrow, and keep up with the four on what’s next. Check out our exclusive interview and photoshoot with Russo below, and see why they are the newest cover stars of Galore’s Sisterhood of Sound Issue.

Cailin – Top & gloves: I.AM.GIA., Underwear: Galore x NA-KD, Jean shorts: True Religion, Shoes & socks: Own
Hayley – Outfit: I.AM.GIA., Glasses: MOSCOT, Shoes: Converse x MADEME
Sean – Jacket: Bravado, Jeans: True Religion, Shoes: Umberto Luce, Glasses: MOSCOT
Tyler – Glasses: Crap Eyewear, Shirt: Ne.Sense, Jeans & shoes: Own
So your new EP is about to be officially out! What can we expect? Favorite part of making it?
CAILIN: EP is officially out tomorrow!! I’m so fucking excited!! I hope everyone can just make memories to these songs, but my favorite part is that it is out! Lol.
TYLER: Expect the unexpected.
What’s your favorite song off the EP and why?
CAILIN: My favorite songs off the EP are “Bad Things,” “Loud Mouth,” and definitely, “Joyride.” They’re all so sick in their own ways. “Loud Mouth” has the demanding pop relief, while “Bad Things” makes you want to stage dive and drift into the ocean. “Joyride” is just the jam – it keeps my jazz love around and it has such an amazing story.
The story is to not be able to be with that person you love – maybe because of timing or distance or it’s not right – but you want it so you find each other in your dreams and joooooyriiiide.
HAYLEY: “Loud Mouth” is definitely my favorite song off the EP. It just makes me wanna dance every time – especially when I’m playing it live!
TYLER: “Joyride,” because it speaks directly to my heart through my ears.
SEAN: “Bad Things,” purely because of how fun it is to perform live.
Cailin – Top & gloves: I.AM.GIA., Underwear: Galore x NA-KD, Jean shorts: True Religion, Shoes & socks: Own
Hayley – Outfit: I.AM.GIA., Glasses: MOSCOT, Shoes: Converse x MADEME
Sean – Jacket: Bravado, Jeans: True Religion, Shoes: Umberto Luce, Glasses: MOSCOT
Tyler – Glasses: Crap Eyewear, Shirt: Ne.Sense, Jeans & shoes: Own
You guys are a fairly new band, but you’re already opening for Jessie Ware and supporting Madison Beer on tour. What is that like?
CAILIN: Opening up for Jessie Ware and Madison has been a dream. Firstly, because our music is so different, so to be able to cross-pollinate sounds and experiences is awesome. Also, to be able to open and kick the show off is fucking amazing.
Setting the tone is always fun because people can be so skeptical. Playing with them has been an awesome learning experience and we all got to bond and really get synchronized.
HAYLEY: It feels really exciting to be at the beginning stages of this project, because all the doors are open. Tour was insane – just being thrown into a completely new situation and having a blast playing shows most nights for an entire month was an experience in itself. But, also being able to really bring these songs to life through a live show.
TYLER: It was overwhelming, but overwhelmingly fun.
SEAN: It’s been a bit hectic at times but we wouldn’t trade it for anything. I think we’ve all learned so much about each other through this whole process of shows and touring that we might not have otherwise. It’s brought us closer together. We’ve gotten the opportunity to meet a lot of really great people along the way.
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What’s your favorite thing about the tour life?
SEAN: Getting to travel to new places and play our songs live for new people!
HAYLEY: Finding the best coffee spots in every city we hit up.
TYLER: Seeing small life in small places and big places – like talking to an Uber driver about their city and how much they hate/love it.
CAILIN: The best thing about tour life is the camp-like lifestyle, waking up and seeing each other is so crazy and (maybe others would disagree) but I was thriving on this tour. It was especially fun because everyone just bonded and let go.
We all got tattoos on the back of the bus in Oklahoma (it was Sean and Hayley’s first tattoo). We all designed each-others tattoos and our friend/stylist Georgia physically gave it to us with a needle taped to a pencil.
How did you guys get together as a band?
TYLER: Through the ever-changing music circuit, and fate, as it would seem.
CAILIN: We got together as a band after I held auditions back when I was a solo act. As time passed and our seasons changed, so did the music. It became progressively rocky, and so I decided I wanted to be in a band. Hayley had auditioned 2 years ago, Sean was her roommate, and Tyler was a recommendation from a bass player that was potentially in the band (but things didn’t work out).
However, now we have the mastermind which is Tyler. I had already made the music, so it was just about performing together. We’re now writing and recording as a band from now ‘til whenever we break up and hate each other (laughs).
Who are your biggest inspirations, musically?
CAILIN: My biggest inspirations musically definitely fluctuate, as I consider my taste eclectic and a little hard of focus. I would say my general references would be Omarion, 3 Doors Down, and R Kelly.
Just kidding! I really like to reference Kelis, No Doubt, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, The Kills, Outkast, Nirvana, The Gorillaz, The Smiths and classic rock, like The Rolling Stones. More psychedelic-sounding bands, too.
TYLER: There is an ever-growing list of specific people and music but truthfully anything that tunes me into a piece of life that I have either felt all to familiarly or that is so alien to my own experience or expectation that my perspective of what it means to be a person shifts a degree further.
SEAN: I grew up listening to classic rock records that my dad put on around the house. The Beatles and Led Zepplin, in particular. Psychedelic/progressive rock such as Yes opened the doors for a more aggressive sound on the bass guitar. I’m a huge fan of Chris Squire, the bassist for Yes, and John Paul Jones of Led Zepplin.
I’m also heavily influenced by Motown and Soul/RnB music, like Stevie Wonder, Al Green and Marvin Gaye. I have a really strong connection to the 90’s ‘Seattle Sound’ music in particular, like Nirvana, Alice in Chains, and Soundgarden.
HAYLEY: Drumming wise, I am heavily influenced by the former drummer of MuteMath, Daren King. But also guys like Mark Guiliana and Nate Wood who are heavy jazz players that constantly push boundaries of what it means to be a drummer. They have such specific voices in their playing that makes me want to continually discover and shape my own. But I love the band Local Natives & artist, Ben Howard.
Top & gloves: I.AM.GIA., Underwear: Galore x NA-KD, Jean shorts: True Religion, Shoes & socks: Own
Glasses: Crap Eyewear, Shirt: Ne.Sense, Jeans & shoes: Own
Outfit: I.AM.GIA., Glasses: MOSCOT, Shoes: Converse x MADEME
Jacket: Bravado, Jeans: True Religion, Shoes: Umberto Luce, Glasses: MOSCOT
What’s the best thing being about in a group, rather than being solo acts?
TYLER: Looking over at someone during the set and saying absolutely nothing but knowing exactly what that person is thinking and feeling. Being completely in tune with each other if only for a moment.
SEAN: As a musician, it definitely takes a lot of pressure away if you aren’t the only one performing on stage. Being in a band is really fun because you are all there to support each other. When we are all on stage together we get to interact and have a good time while we are performing. The chemistry that we have on stage is very playful. I think it keeps things fresh and can be more entertaining for an audience to see.
HAYLEY: You’re not so lonely. It’s like living life – it’s always better with good company. We get to experience things together, bounce ideas off of each other, and are each other’s voice of reason.
CAILIN: The best things about being in a group is knowing you depend on each other, it is like a safety blanket but also just a dream come true. Seeing their faces just really grips you, almost like your mom looking at you when you’re a baby. We help each other get through it and enjoy.
Solo acts are cool, but the attention is all on you, and if you fuck it up, it’s all on you. Also, in the same regard, if you carry yourself like a beast as a solo act, it is really impressive. But, bands can be so much more powerful, mixed with everyone’s personalities and talents.
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What do you guys like to do together for fun?
HAYLEY: Everyone in the band is such a goob, so I think I can speak for all of us when I say that we all just like joking around and making up stupid stuff to laugh about that probably we only think is funny.
CAILIN: Well, we like to talk and make music together. We love to eat and do activities – eating and drinking, though, are definitely activities we’re often ready to participate in.
TYLER: Look at memes.
Cailin – Bra: Galore x NA-KD, Top: I.AM.GIA, Jacket & pants: Nour Hammour, Bag: Charlotte Simone, Shoes: SENSO
Hayley – Bra: Galore x NA-KD, Top & pants: I.AM.GIA, Shoes: SENSO
Sean – Jumper: I.AM.GIA., Glasses: MOSCOT, Shoes: Umberto Luce
Tyler – Shirt & jumper: Valfre, Shoes: Umberto Luce
Cailin – Top & harness: I.AM.GIA., Jeans: True Religion, Shoes: Vagabond
Hayley – Top: Valfre, Overalls: I.AM.GIA, Shoes: SENSO
Sean – Pants: Ne.Sense, Shoes: Umberto Luce
Tyler – Shirt: True Religion, Pants: Ne.Sense, Shoes: Umberto Luce
What’s the inspiration behind your premiere song, “Lonely?”
CAILIN: The inspiration behind “Lonely,” was really based around the music (which was made first). It was so fast and aggressive – it already had an antsy feeling to it. So to make the song about racing to get home and racing to get to the future and racing to make decisions was really fueled off the music.
TYLER: It’s about being so lonely that you are urgently seeking a connection with anyone and anything but in that urgency you manage to look right past the relationships you already have.
What can we expect from you guys in the future?
CAILIN: I hope we will have a lot of tours around the world. I want us to have a whole spectrum of music, crazy fucking outfits, and amazing visuals. Also a good Summer 2018!
HAYLEY: Definitely more music and lots of live shows!
TYLER: Louder and weirder.
If you had to explain your sound in 3 words:
TYLER: Loud and weird.
HAYLEY: Aggressive pop punk.
CAILIN: Our sound in 3 words would be 1) pop 2) present 3) fast (I’m gunna regret these answers in the future).
SEAN: Fast, loud, and sultry.
Cailin – Bra: Galore x NA-KD, Top: I.AM.GIA, Jacket & pants: Nour Hammour, Bag: Charlotte Simone, Shoes: SENSO
Hayley – Bra: Galore x NA-KD, Top & pants: I.AM.GIA, Shoes: SENSO
Sean – Jumper: I.AM.GIA., Glasses: MOSCOT, Shoes: Umberto Luce
Tyler – Shirt & jumper: Valfre, Shoes: Umberto Luce
Top & harness: I.AM.GIA., Jeans: True Religion, Shoes: Vagabond
Bra: Galore x NA-KD, Top: I.AM.GIA, Jacket & pants: Nour Hammour, Bag: Charlotte Simone, Shoes: SENSO
What is “Ghost” about?
CAILIN: It’s a pretty interestingly-put-together song about trying to be in a relationship with someone, but the only way it will work is if you are both present. It’s not about being with a ghost or a shell of a person. All the footage for the visual was from tour and I think we were all pretty excited to share it!
TYLER: Have you ever seen a ghost? Or thought that you had? Or later realized that in fact you probably experienced something not on the scale of normal perception? Or why the idea that ghosts, like aliens and dragons, extend over all cultures and all peoples of the earth regardless of time? That these mythologies are past down from generation to generation like the urge to procreate.
And as a new born baby knows not to breath in water if submerged, we all fear the unknown. That which echoes through our DNA is very hard to rationalize and no matter how hard we try to disprove phenomena, we struggle to finally put to rest the notion that our spirits are not our bodies, and that when we leave our bodies we may become untethered in a way which our energy continues to radiate through old hotel rooms and dark attics. BOO!
What is one thing you want people to know about you?
SEAN: I can recite lines from the movie “Men in Black,” verbatim. I wouldn’t say it’s a talent – maybe just a warning that you should probably never watch that movie around me.
HAYLEY: That my mom makes the best lasagna. I. Love. Lasagna.
TYLER: I seem to think that people know something about me that I don’t know about myself, so if you could tell me that would be great.
CAILIN: One thing I want people to know about me is that I believe in myself and my dreams and no one is going to stop me, even it if takes a while. Also, don’t try me at DDR – I really did the thang back in the 2000’s.
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Cailin – Top & harness: I.AM.GIA., Jeans: True Religion, Shoes: Vagabond
Hayley – Top: Valfre, Overalls: I.AM.GIA, Shoes: SENSO
Sean – Pants: Ne.Sense, Shoes: Umberto Luce
Tyler – Shirt: True Religion, Pants: Ne.Sense, Shoes: Umberto Luce
Fashion idols?
TYLER: Bowie wore some pretty weird shit, man.
CAILIN: My fashion idols range. Some staples would definitely be Lisa Bonet and young Drew Barrymore and Winona. Also, Gwen Stefani and Keli – there are probably some more subconscious ones that I can’t think of right now.
Favorite iconic 90s outfit?
HAYLEY: Lindsay Lohan’s campy outfit with the denim jacket as “Haley” in “Parent Trap.”
SEAN: I’ll just go ahead and say it. Kurt Cobain – light wash denim and plaid flannel. Generation defining.
CAILIN: My favorite 90’s iconic outfits would be Rose Mcgowan with Marilyn Manson in the see-through chain dress, and Lil Kim in the purple nipple dress!
TYLER: I’m pretty sure Bowie had his weird little soul patch goatee in the 90’s that really spoke to that era. Or, anything that Bobby from “Twin Peaks” wore.
Photography by: Jacob Dekat
Styling by: Mallie Koczon
Hair by: Johnny Stuntz
Makeup by: Nikki DeRoest
Cover art by: Lisa Yoo