Perez Hilton Put Demi Lovato’s Sad DMs on Twitter For Everyone To Laugh At

Demi Lovato is basically living out everyone’s social media nightmare.

The young singer’s career and health is probably still in recovery from a period of tumultuousness — and rehab — but these days, she also seems to have less friends. The professional online gossip Perez Hilton has just posted screenshots of a DM she sent him in regards to him liking Tweets that said mean shit about her. And now there’s a viral (Kim Kardashian-inspired) hashtag about it.

Welcome to the #PerezExposedDemiParty

It seems the whole thing started because Perez liked a few tweets that mentioned Mariah Carey, who Demi Lovato has openly hated on ever since the singer shaded Jennifer Lopez.

So then he goes on to explain himself:

Then Perez clarifies.

And now everyone online hates her.

Arriving at the #PerezExposedDemiParty like

It’s a sad world when you’re not Taylor Swift, isn’t it, Demi?

Gimme More POP

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