How Non-Americans Living In the U.S. Spend Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is a time for overeating, lots of wine and catching up with your relatives. If you’re American.
Sometimes for us non-Americans who are living in America, though, it can be a bit depressing. However, being British I have found there are ways to enjoy this holiday in my own British way….even if you don’t know how the f**k to cook a Turkey.
1. Carbs 4 Days
So my mum isn’t going to cook me a big feast as she is halfway across the world in London. But these three friends won’t be letting me or you down: Seamless/Grubhub, Caviar, and Postmates. Get an overload of takeout and then you can moan about overeating just like everyone else on the 25th. I would suggest trying something new instead of your regular Chinese takeout (which is what I resorted to for a few years) — ravioli pizza anyone?
2. Be The Next Chrissy Teigen
We all have our traditional meals from where we grew up. I won’t deny I love a British roast dinner, although I have never had the time (*balls) to attempt cooking it. It’s time. Gather up all of your non-American friends and you can cook a big classic meal together. Who says family needs to be blood related? In my case I will be leaving the cooking up to my guests because I don’t hate my friends enough to give them salmonella.
3. Dirty Laundry
Its a whole day off work! What more can you ask for? You don’t have to participate in the obligatory family day either so why not do whatever the f**k you want. Sit on your couch in your ugliest (but they are so comfy!) sweatpants, binge watch without anyone judging you and finally tackle those emails that have been giving you anxiety for the last month. Or better yet…that dirty laundry that you’ve been putting off.
4. Tinder
Its a perfect evening for a one night stand…. or just a drink if you’re a classy lady. Tinder will be filled with people just like you. Who knows maybe next year you will be having your one year anniversary on Thanksgiving and you will be forever excused from feeling like an outsider on this American holiday. Cuffing season at it’s finest.
5. Vacay
You have Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday to go some place and get some fab insta pics which will, no doubt, make everyone jealous. For example, Miami is only three hours from New York. It doesn’t get better than getting out of the freezing cold and into the mimosas-all-day-every-day heat. What if you have no one to go with? You might not be Reese Witherspoon and go backpacking in the Wild but you can definitely channel her and go solo.
6. Get Blackout
There is no worse feeling than being in the office on Friday morning with a hangover. Luckily, you wont have to be in the office. Pre-plan and pop round to your nearest liquor store. Invite a friend if you don’t feel like Bridget Jones’ing it (even though there is NO shame in that). TheFatJewish already has you covered with the perfect bottle of wine reminding you there is no place you’d rather be than getting obliterated at home with your bestie.