New Brain Scans Explain Why People at Coachella Act Like Babies
The first digital images of the human brain operating on LSD have been released, and now it makes a lot of sense why people like to dress up like Native Americans and suck on lollipops at music festivals like Coachella.
The groundbreaking study claims that the brain scans mimic those of infants and children.
“In many ways, the brain in the LSD state resembles the state our brains were in when we were infants: free and unconstrained,” said Dr. Robin Cahart-Harris, of Imperial College London. “This also makes sense when we consider the hyper-emotional and imaginative nature of an infant’s mind.”
He went on:
“The brain scans revealed that trippers experienced images through information drawn from many parts of their brains, and not just the visual cortex at the back of the head that normally processes visual information. Under the drug, regions once segregated spoke to one another.”
This also leads to a phenomenon that correlates to person identity loss, called, “ego dissolution.” The brain becomes more uniform in its functions, making for a feeling of “oneness” with physical surrounding, therefore probably also responsible for all crew love spread among ravers on the festival scene.
Next, the researchers will conduct studies on psychedelic drugs for the potential medical uses that the drug could have on depression. LSD is the future, y’all, and the future is at Coachella.