Margot Robbie Is Currently Rocking a Tragic 80s Makeunder

Margot Robbie is one of the chillest women to ever walk the earth, so obviously she was going to need a makeover to play legendary psycho Tonya Harding.

In case you don’t remember, Tonya Harding is a once-famous ice skater who got her ex-husband to try and break the legs of another once-famous ice skater. Why? So that there’d be nothing stopping Tonya from winning the Olympic gold medal she’d always dreamed about.

Margot is now suiting up to play Tonya in a movie. Only Margot’s makeover is more of a makeunder — and not just any makeunder, but a tragic 80s makeunder.

READ ALSO: Margot Robbie is So Chill She Got Secretly Married This Weekend

Note the frizzy dishwasher blonde hair, the flagrant arm padding, the 8-year-old on her first day of school bangs and the not even cool in the 70s outfit.

It’s a lot to take in.

READ ALSO: Margot Robbie Is Playing This Psycho Ice Skater In Her New Movie

But don’t worry, this makeunder means Margot Robbie has a GREAT shot at winning the Oscar.

Women have a notorious track record for winning awards when they have to get a drastic makeunder for a film — or, as the Huffington Post so lovingly worded it, women win Oscars by getting “uglied up.”

And their chances go through the roof when they not only get uglied up, but they also play pyschos who will literally murder you or pretend to kill themselves to get what they want.

Basically, what I’m trying to say is Margot Robbie is going to win an Oscar for playing Tonya Harding, and just remember you heard it here first.


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