Lindsay Lohan Instagrammed the Weirdest Ever Hillary Clinton Endorsement
Lindsay Lohan posted an endorsement to Hillary Clinton last week that pretty much went undetected — probably because it was eclipsed by Hil’s heavily Insta’d meet-and-greet with Britney Spears.
But I’ve been unable to stop thinking about this incredibly odd shoutout to Secretary Clinton ever since she first posted it last Monday. Here, take a look:
Now, let’s start with the photo itself. That is a blurry picture of Hillary Clinton with a quote about Benghazi superimposed on top. Here’s the quote:
“I’ve thought more about what happened than all of you put together. I’ve lose more sleep than all of you put together. I’ve been racking my brain about what could have been done, should have been done.”
Clinton said this at a hearing on the 2012 attack on the American Embassy in Benghazi, Libya. Some accused Clinton of failing in her duties as Secretary of State by allowing the attack to happen, while others have even concocted conspiracy theories that she and Obama were involved in more sinister ways — which, probs not, guys.
Anyway, it’s pretty serious — so it’s weird that Lindsay chose to caption the photo with this:
@hilaryclinton … I couldn’t understand you more. #lindsaylohan2020 #imthegirlinschoolthatwasfriendswitheveryone #nomatterwhat you can only judge a book by its cover (look at the blurred lines) all, together, could, be, done 🙏🏻 Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and that can change at the blink of an eye. Be patient. It’s a virtue. 🙏🏻
Like, where do we even start with this?
First we have Lindsay offering solidarity with “I couldn’t understand you more.” Linds has never been interrogated by congress, per se, but hey, she’s had a lot of legal issues so that part’s fair enough!
But then there’s Lindsay’s apparent endorsement of herself as a presidential candidate four years from now (#lindsaylohan2020), followed by a hashtag about being friends with everyone in school. I guess that’s a good leadership trait, but ???
Then there’s this line, which reads like it was loosely translated from Turkish: “you can only judge a book by its cover (look at the blurred lines) all, together, could, be, done.”
I just don’t know, guys. Lindsay’s giving Bernie Sanders’ bro-ey (and pretty horny) social media fandom a run for its money. If by some odd chance Hillary’s people paid for this post detox-tea-and-waist-trainer style, they might want to get their money back.