LA It Girls Tell Us Their Style Secrets
Need some style inspo? These LA It Girls have got it on lock.
Parker Day photographed nine badass LA babes, from dominatrixes to models to club promoters, and had them spill their style secrets.
Check out the dope pics below, and take notes.
Name: Cleo
IG: @qu33n_daddy
Occupation: Photographer, Club Promoter, DJ”
“Personal style to me is about being bold enough to be yourself and represent yourself in a world full of replicas. It can be different any day depending on my mood. One day I may feel like a old man, another day I may be feeling punk/goth misfit. It’s shifty”
Name: Gleveen
Age: 22
IG: @afro.vogue
Occupation: Model
“Descriptive words for my style have always been challenging to me, I feel as if I emulate a melanated misfit. A sprinkle of black girl magic and no consistency in aesthetic, just a pop of color and free spirited creativity in its most genuine form.”
Name: Ylang Ylang
Age: 21
IG: @vengefulsidechick
Occupation: Unemployed
“Personal style to me is an amalgamation of one’s interior, the exterior, and the constant pursuit of fleeting fantasy.”
Name: Moe
Age: 20
IG: @willfuck69
Occupation: Cam model specializing in domination and specialty fetishes
“I see it as an art form in which I attempt to convey a feeling that is myself, an extension of myself. Just like other forms of art it can be conveyed in various ways. I know the way I look can make people uncomfortable and I find pleasure in that just as I do when people are drawn in by it. I enjoy watching as I change and grow as a person that my personal style does as well. I use fashion to feel fulfilled and powerful, not necessarily to feel beautiful.”
Name: Maddy
Age: 19
IG: @maddyellwanger
Occupation: Musician, Artist, Designer, Model
“Personal style means something different to me each day and portrays something different each time. Personal style elevates whatever mood you’re in that day in an outer/tangible way. Some people love to be subtle in their style and some love to be bold. Making my own clothes has always allowed me to be exactly who I want to be which is why my personal style always comes through loudly and boldly regardless of the mood I’m trying to portray. I always want the way I’m dressed to scream at you to pay attention the second I walk in the room.”
Name: Hobbes
Age: 22
IG: @hhobbess
Occupation: Photographer, Filmmaker
“Personal style is about feeling good and looking good and using a shared aesthetic language to communicate my ideals. And let people know I really wish I knew how to kick flip.”
Name: Lulo
Age: 24
Occupation: *looks for resume*
“An anime villain meets angel hoe would best describe my daily look.”
Name: Mistress Veronica Vixen
IG: @dumpsterbaby
Age: 28
Occupation: Professional Domme
“Personal style means visually showcasing my oddball personality. Looking to clowns as fashion icons & taking inspiration from the fetish community; my style is an unrestrained contrast of itself.”
Name: Kasia
IG: @meandmyhotfriends1
Age: 26
Occupation: Host & Personality/Casting Director/Director’s Rep/Actress/Pinup/Comic/slashs
“When I was a little kid, I would sometimes layer three skirts at once with a pair of fabulous printed tights and patent leather Mary Janes. Now at 26, if I wanted to wear three skirts at once with a pair of fabulous printed tights and patent leather Mary Janes, I would!
“Having personal style means not being afraid to let your outsides match your insides and experiment to try new things that might even embarrass you down the line. It happens. I can’t live in a world where my stuff is just like everyone else’s–everything has to be somehow customized and decorated to make it me. I’m your pinup dream girl, just way goofier than you expected. I would describe my style as ‘sexy nana meets Jon Benet Ramsey.'”