Kylie Just Went Wild and Dyed Her Hair Pink

Now that the social media embargo on the Kardashians has officially been lifted, Kylie decided to celebrate by going wild and dying her hair light pink.

At first, it was hard to tell if it was just the light playing tricks on us or an actual hair change:

Rose Gold

A photo posted by Kylie (@kyliejenner) on

A photo posted by Kylie (@kyliejenner) on

But then Kylie went inside and it became super clear:

A video posted by Kylie (@kyliejenner) on

Why pink?

Why not!

Besides, what else was Kylie going to do with her platinum blonde?

Let it fade gracefully?  Dye it back to her natural hair color? Stay blonde forever?

No, this is a new era for the Kardashian family, people!!!!

Kim’s wearing Vans in public, everybody’s allegedly going to post less on social media and now Kylie has pink hair.

What a time to be alive!


Gimme More POP

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