Kylie Jenner Made Lasagna In Her Underwear on Snapchat

Kylie Jenner doesn’t give a fuck about a lot of things, including sauce burns.

Yesterday, in a very “I’m feeling myself” decision, Kylie embarked on her latest culinary adventure: making lasagna in her underwear.

You know, casual.

Wearing a matching pair of olive-toned underwear and a pair of sweatpants slung low enough on her hips to get a solid whale tail going, Kylie simply captioned her photos with one word: “Lasagna.”

No steps. No cooking instructions. Just a girl and her underwear, waiting to be fed.

While watching Kylie’s story last night, my boyfriend and I decided that Kylie was trying to be funny, after all, she did make that joke about looking like a 19-year-old prostitute the other day, but then again, she could just be being thotty for thotty’s sake cuz YOLO.

Watch the videos and decide for yourself.

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