Being Kim Kardashian’s Assistant Is Truly Ridiculous

Kim Kardashian is bigger than just a reality star, and since her job never stops, neither does her assistant Stephanie Shepherd’s job.

From the minute she wakes up to the minute she goes to bed, Steph is always on the phone with Kim, plotting new ways for her to take over the world.

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“I think everyone thinks this job is super glamorous — and I can’t lie, it is. Truly, this family is so much fun, and we go to some amazing places and do some incredible things,” Steph explained to Refinery29. “But don’t forget that when you’re an assistant, with all of that glamour comes schlepping the bags and the suitcases and taking the fall when the car doesn’t show up or the flight is delayed or something goes wrong.

Steph’s job begins the second she wakes up when she immediately gets on the phone, reads her e-mail, and then checks in with Kim’s personal assistant to make sure everything’s Gucci so far.

Throughout the day she has to do everything from work out multiple times with Kim and her sisters to find a copy of the new card game Kanye’s obsessed with, and keep North West occupied so her mother can turn into a glamazon.

Plus she has to make sure her car is constantly loaded with Kimoji merchandise because as Steph explained, “with Kim, you never know when you might need to gift some merch!”

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Still, being Kim K’s assistant since 2013 has opened up doors for Steph, whose job description these days also includes the titles “television producer” and “COO of Kardashian West Brands.”

“I’m basically Kim’s liaison at this point,” Steph explained. “Every time she launches a product or makes a move to own her brand, it’s essentially like launching a startup.”

Which means that “from the second [Kim and Steph] wake up until we go to bed, so we just bounce off ideas, like, ‘Oh my God this is so funny, let’s make it a Kimoji!’” Steph explained.

The only downside is this doesn’t leave Steph much time for a social life outside of her employers or down time for herself.

Pretty much her only guaranteed “me time” is an hour of yoga every now and then.

Still, Steph Shepherd isn’t complaining, so I guess neither can we.

Her life may be ridiculous, but at least it’s not boring.

[H/T Refinery29]

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