Kendall and Bella Recreated the 90s Supermodels’ Most Iconic Photo
Kendall Jenner and Bella Hadid are two of the biggest supermodels of our current day and age. And they know it.
So to celebrate their it-girl status, they decided to recreate one of the most iconic fashion photos of all time.
Only they didn’t plan super far in ahead, so they had to make do with what they had around them.
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But first, the original: I don’t care who you are and what you think your level of fashion expertise is, if you’re friends with more than five people on social media, you’ve seen this photo before.
In it, Linda Evangelista, Christy Turlington and Naomi Campbell are drinking champagne and giggling their slim little behinds off in a very glamorous bathtub.
The photo was taken in 1990 at the Ritz by Roxanne Lowit after the Versace Couture after party in Paris.
“I asked the girls to get in the tub,” Roxanne told the Daily Mail, describing how the picture came to be. “Sylvester Stallone came into the room and threatened to pour champagne over them, which is why they are squealing in the shot.”
And sometime between the hours of yesterday and today, Kendall and Bella decided to recreate the moment with their good friends Joan Smalls and Hailey Baldwin. It’s unclear whether Sylvester Stallone was involved.
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While we don’t yet know the story behind why this photo came to be, it was probably went something like this.
Kendall: “We should like, take a photo or something while we’re all dressed up, right?”
Bella: “Yeah.”
Joan: “Yeah.”
Hailey: “Yeah.”
Kendall: “And it should be like, a fun photo, right?”
Bella: “Yeah.”
Joan: “Yeah.”
Hailey: “Yeah.”
Kendall: “But like, not too fun. I still want to look sexy because I never get to be sexy.”
Bella: “IDK I think it should be fun.”
Joan: “Yeah same.”
Hailey: “Uhhhhh”
Kendall: “Wait OMG, what if we did the models in the tub thing?”
Bella: “OMG yahhhhhhhhs!!!!!!!!”
Joan: “But wait, aren’t there only supposed to be three models in the tub?”
Kendall: “Yeah….”
Bella: “Does this mean somebody has to not be in the photo?”
Joan: “Maybe it should be the least famous of us.”
Unseen handler after five minutes of silence: “Or you guys could just take the photo with all of you and say it’s your modern update on a classic.”
Kendall: “Yeah, what he said. Okay bitches, now pose.”
What I wouldn’t give to be a fly on that wall.