QUIZ: What type of Instagrammer are you?

When it comes to how you use Instagram, we all fit into one of four categories.

Do you exclusively follow people you know or are you addicted to the Explore page? Are you new to the whole social media thing or does it low-key run your life? And is Instagram fame in your future or nah?

Take our survey, made with The Gramlist, to find out. And after you take the quiz, scroll down to see descriptions of all four types.

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The four types are…

1. The Insta Introvert

You value your privacy big time, and some may say you’re an old soul. You think social media is just a kind word for ‘stalking’ and don’t want random creepos peeping on your feed. You’d rather be spending time with people in real life than on their Instagram feed, and see the value in opting out

2. Insta-Curious

You are curious about instagram, but you’ve got one foot out the door. You find yourself commenting and checking out others’ Instagrams, but you’re very selective about who follows you and what you choose to post. You do find yourself spending more and more time on Instagram these days, and you’ve been experimenting with all the different features to find your groove.

3. Insta-Explorer

You are the Don Quixote of Instagrammers. You dig deep for your inspiration — finding the cool girl that Kanye West follows, and a hidden cafe your favorite comedian likes to go to. For you Instagram is where you go for inspiration across food, fashion & lifestyle. It’s your go to method for finding all the cool shit. Not only do you reap the benefits of the Instagram community, but you partake in it as well. You would choose an Instagram journey full of hidden gems, rather than over-exposed feeds & celebrities. You share your world — from travel and fashion, to food & friends, one gram at a time.

4. Insta-Confident

You’re confident and bold on Instagram — you’re cool and you know it. You realize the power of social media and you’re using Instagram as the megaphone for who you are. Not only do you want others to see how awesome your life is, but you wouldn’t mind a little Insta fame, too. You follow the big players on Instagram, the major influencers and celebrities because you think their feeds are swoon worthy and entertaining.

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