Demi Lovato Is ‘Taking a Break‘ From Fame Cuz She Can’t Win

Poor Demi Lovato, you guys.

First she breaks up with her longterm fuckboy boyfriend, then Perez Hilton puts her sad DMs online for people to laugh at, and now she shades T Swift in an interview and nobody really cares.

She just can’t win, can she?

In the November issue of Glamour, which ran with the optimistic title, “Demi Lovato Gets Real: ‘This Will Get Me In Trouble, But…,” Glamour asked Demi about Taylor Swift and feminism and Demi responded by saying:

“I think in certain situations, certain people could be doing more if they’re going to claim [feminism] as part of their brand. To be honest, and this will probably get me in trouble, I don’t see anybody in any sort of squad that has a normal body. It’s kind of this false image of what people should look like. And what they should be like, and it’s not real.”

Sure, T Swift’s twitter trolls terrorized Demi about her comments and yes, people wrote articles about it, some of which you undoubtedly saw pop up on your Facebook feed as you absentmindedly scrolled your your newsfeed for the tenth time of the day, but did anybody really care?


Even Taylor didn’t feel the need to respond to Demi directly, instead getting a source to tell E, “Taylor has a tight group of women in her life that all have her and each others‘ back and sometimes people just want that. She thought it was unnecessary for her to make those comments. They both have never been really good friends.”


All this was too much for Demi who took to Twitter to announce that at long last, the time had come for her to take a break from being famous.

Get some rest, Demi.

We’ll catch you on the flippy floppy.

Gimme More POP

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