The Best Liquor To Pour Into Your Starbucks Drinks

When it’s this cold out, your activity options are limited. What it seems to boil down to on most weekends is either eating or drinking.

But why drink tequila shots alone in your apartment when you could be skipping downstairs to your neighborhood Starbucks and getting turnt with a trendy white and green cup in your hand?

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1. Rumchata in Your Iced Coffee

Rumchata is good on its own, but if you want to slow your roll and also add some caffeine to your boozin’, then an iced coffee would be a great choice. You probably won’t even need sweetener.

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2. Steamed Apple Juice With Whiskey

Hot apple juice may not be a typical Starbucks favorite, but they do serve it. And it tastes phenomenal with whiskey.

3. Amaretto in Cascara

Okay, so we haven’t actually had the Cascara Latte yet. But it’s made from coffee cherries, which sounds like it’d go great with Amaretto. Right? Right.

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4. Peppermint Schnapps in Hot Chocolate

Okay, Starbucks already has a peppermint hot chocolate on their menu. But why have plain ‘ol peppermint hot chocolate when you could have alcoholic hot chocolate with peppermint?

5. Pinnacle Whipped with Vanilla Sweet Cream Cold Brew

If you want to get really drunk and hyper without realizing it, boy do we have the combo for you. Pinnacle basically disappears in any sweet drink, meaning you’ll drink the deliciousness super quickly and end up twerking on a snowman or something. Fun!

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6. Cool Lime Starbucks Refresher With Tequila

Margarita mix is chill and all, but a cool lime refresher sounds, I don’t know, cooler? Tequila and Starbucks, match made in heaven, wouldn’t you know?

Gimme More Health

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