Kim and Kylie Reportedly Suck at Working Out, Just Like You

Good news guys: the two hottest Kardashians are just as bad at working out as your are.

In a new interview for nobody’s favorite magazine, Health, Khloé Kardashian revealed that Kim and Kylie are just too pretty to perspire.

“Kim and Kylie are the worst,” Khloe said. “They perspire, and they look so pretty, and they don’t really do much. I’m like, ‘How do you guys have those bodies?'”

Hmmm, how could they have those bodies indeed?

She continued:

“Kim can eat anything, and I’m like, ‘I hate you.’ The nutritionist was like, ‘Kim has a body like a Ferrari, and you have a body like a Honda.’ I was like, ‘Yep, that sounds about right. That’s my life — you just summed it up right there.'”

Guess all those workouts Kim did to lose the baby weight were just for show, huh?

[H/T Perez Hilton]

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