Watch Behind the Scenes of Dorothy’s “Dark Nights” Video

If you have seen DOROTHY’S music video for “Dark Nights,” you know it’s pretty fucking whacky and outright hilarious.

It’s a good whacky though, like in the nonsensical way that Napoleon Dynamite is. You know, because Pedro f*cking Sánchez is actually in the music video.

The song “Dark Nights” is from her debut album “ROCKISDEAD,” and we talked with DOROTHY herself a few months ago about the record and her musical inspirations among many other things.

The music video was directed by Chris Marrs Piliero, who has also directed several kickass music videos for Ariana Grande, Britney Spears, and Ke$ha.

But, honestly the only thing that’s even better than the music video is the BEHIND THE SCENES footage. Dorothy basically rides piggyback all the way to a convenience store while mushing a huge man in a Helter Skelter t-shirt.

Watch here:

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