The Clermont Twins Are Giving Back & Growing Up
It’s hard for people to keep The Clermont Twins names out of their mouths.
Between their stint on Bad Girls Club, their sexy Instagram posts, their modeling for Yeezy, and the industry’s recent obsession with “twinfluencers,” Shannade and Shannon Clermont are booked and busy.
Unfortunately, a recent hiccup involving wire fraud, cocaine, and a now deceased 42-year-old real estate broker have shown The Clermont Twins that sometimes being a bad girl can lead to bad consequences.
We talked to the twins about dealing with the aftermath of the incident, their newly formed mental health foundation, and how Shannade is making the most of her time before she serves her one-year-long prison sentence.
They say no publicity is bad publicity, and we have a feeling The Clermont Twins are going to stay on your feeds, in the news, and going through the life lessons that any bad girl goes through—just in the public eye.

Both of you are no strangers to dealing with haters, but I imagine that you’re dealing with even more internet trolls after what happened. How do you not let it get to you?
I think it’s important to not let negative opinions dictate what you think of who you are and/or limit yourself because of the mistakes you’ve made. Having family, friends, and just a real support system around us is honestly what keeps us sane. When you have confidence in who you are and the people close to you know as well, that’s all that matters. People will always have an opinion — good or bad — and realizing our position and platform that we have, we’ve accepted that we are not exempt from people having an opinion about us. We get so much love from all over the world that we don’t focus too much on the negativity. Starting our foundation that focuses on mental health actually helped us cope with our own mental issues. Giving others self-reassurance really helped us to remember to not give up and to have self-love.
Tell us more about this foundation.
Me and my sister have always been big on giving back and we just felt that we needed to use our platform to spread awareness to mental health. We understand that it’s so important in our generation because of the amount of young people affected by it. The suicide rate is at an all-time high and we feel like social media has a lot to do with that. We also feel like we can relate to it, especially with having a following on social media and people not realizing that everyone goes through things and has their own struggles to deal with, but it doesn’t define you as a person. It really started with us just wanting to create a motivational page to help keep people inspired and to not give up. We received so many messages and emails with people sharing their stories and how our page helped them. We knew that we wanted to really do something with this and use our platform to bring awareness to something that I believe everyone goes through.
Is there a way for our readers to get involved?
Yes! You can follow the foundation page or check out our website and you can submit any suggestions you may have that you think we should do, or reach out to volunteer and extend a helping hand!
Shannade, can you tell us how your life has changed after the incident? What are some things you’ve been doing for your mental health?
Things have changed a lot for me, especially mentally. It was almost like a detox of people and it allowed me to see who was really there for me. I have a really tight support system that I’m really grateful for. Things are going to continue to change in my life as I continue to learn and grow as a person. Things I’ve been doing to help my mental health is staying positive and removing everything negative from my life. Doing things that make me happy and being around people I love.
Shannade, what’s the best advice you’ve received in regard to your current situation?
“For every set back, there is a comeback.”
How much time do you have before your sentence? What are your plans for during that time?
We have just a couple weeks before Shannade turns herself in. We plan on just continuing to stay busy and live life as much as we can together. We have a lot of great things lined up this month and we just want to push as much content out as possible for our fans.
Shannon, how are you supporting your sister during this time?
I am just trying to stay strong for her and to continue to be there for her and give her the support, love, and motivation she needs. I know my sister the best, and she’s an amazing person. Despite everything, it doesn’t define her.
What are both of you doing (or plan to do) in order to move forward from this?
Just to continue to work on our foundation and our clothing line, as well as a big surprise we have coming out soon that we’re really excited about!
After something like this happens, we generally have the option to pretend it never happened or lean in and own it. Shannade, which option do you see yourself leaning towards?
I own up to everything and I’m going to continue to learn from my own mistakes. Everyone goes through things and I have to remember that this is the path God chose for me. This is just a process and I will come out stronger and better than before.

Lingerie – Hustler
Robe – Mark Zunino Couture

Glasses – Versace
Shoes – pretty little thing

Photographer: ANDY Santiago
Stylist: visionary bash
Makeup: @thescottedit