The Top 10 Jobs For Making Bank While Also Having a Life
If you work a 9-5 job, you’ve probably quickly realized that it’s more like a 24/7, or at least a 7-11.
Technology, Wifi, and smartphones have made it way too easy for employees to be expected to be available all the damn time, and unfortunately you’re probably not compensated for all of the extra hours that you’re plugged in.
So how do you find a job that allows you to clock out and actually enjoy yourself rather than checking your work emails at the bar? You could ask your next interviewer about the work-life balance at the company, or you can start training for one of these jobs, which made the top 10 in Glassdoor’s ranking of the top jobs with work-life balance.
In terms of ratings, the average work-life balance rating on Glassdoor is 3.2, which has been steady for the last four years, but on the decline as a whole unsurprisingly. The work balance was 3.5 in 2009. The higher the work-balance rating, the better for the employee.
1. Corporate Recruiter
Work-Life Balance Rating: 4.1
Median Salary: $65,000 (probably with even more $$ for commissions)
Basically, you have to talk to a lot of people, so I hope you’re not an introvert. A corporate recruiter is basically a head hunter, which is what Mila Kunis does in that tragic rom-com Friends With Benefits. So why can’t you?!
2. UX Designer
Work-Life Balance Rating: 4.1
Median Salary: $95,000
The UX stands for “user experience.” Basically, taking customer feedback and granting their wishes to make the business, website, or building, run better. This is usually a tech job.
3. Data Scientist
Work-Life Balance Rating: 4.0
Median Salary: $112,000
Shockingly, this position involved analyzing data. You have to be good at math too. Another tech job.
4. Strategy Manager
Work-Life Balance Rating: 4.0
Median Salary: $110,487
Being a strategy manager is kind of like being a coach of an entire company. You figure out which employees are their “star players,” make sure your resources are being used correctly, set goals for the team, and more. Not sure how you can acquire the proper experience for this job, but good luck.
5. UI Designer
Work-Life Balance Rating: 4.0
Median Salary: $84,500
The UI stands for user interface, as people with this position design user interfaces for software and machines like computers. Sounds lit. Another tech job.
6. Recruiting Coordinator
Work-Life Balance Rating: 4.0
Median Salary: $48,000
This seems to be very similar to the first job on this list in terms of job description, but according to this article, coordinators are more about scheduling interviews whereas recruiters do it all, which is probably why coordinators make less money.
7. Technical Account Manager
Work-Life Balance Rating: 4.0
Median Salary: $75,000
Basically these people do everything tech related for a company, they’re the head honchos. Clearly, a tech job.
8. Mobile Developer
Work-Life Balance Rating: 4.0
Median Salary: $101,318
You create apps, sounds fun and also horrifying! And tech!
9. Devops Engineer
Work-Life Balance Rating: 4.0
Median Salary: $110,000
If you’re a devops engineer, you need to know coding and process re-engineering, but also know how to communicate with coworkers, because you kind of bridge the gap between the software developers and the IT team. Tech, tech, tech — sensing a pattern?
10. Research Engineer
Work-Life Balance Rating: 3.9
Median Salary: $103,029
You know a lot of shit, and you use that knowledge to make sure the company you work for is doing projects in the most cost-efficient and competent way.