Watch Stranger Things Tween Nail Nicki Minaj’s ‘Monster’ Verse
Tweens have a bad reputation for being lame-os, but the tweens from Stranger Things are surprisingly chill.
Or at least Millie Bobby Brown, a.k.a. Eleven is.
First she told her mom to chill and got her head shaved on camera and last night she proved that unlike your grown ass, she still knows all the words to Nicki Minaj’s verse on “Monster,” a party trick that can still win you all the cool points.
Millie and her tweenage boy costars made a pit stop by Late Night With Jimmy Fallon to talk about gross things, like having to kiss each other and then spray each other with silly string during a game Jimmy Fallon and co. cleverly called “Stranger Strings.”
The premise was simple: everybody wrote fun facts about themselves down on cards, then they drew the cards at random and were told to spray silly string at whoever they thought had written it.
Not to be sexist, but obviously in a room full of boys it was clear who said they knew all the words to a Nicki Minaj verse.
As soon as they were all done spraying Jimmy asked, “it’s true, isn’t it?” clearly not believing that this little British girl was that bad of a bitch.
But he was wrong.
She really is that cool.
Suck on that, Jimmy.