Selena Got a Tiny Tat Inspired By “13 Reasons Why”

Selena Gomez LOVES to talk about how she helped produce Netflix’s hit show about teenage suicide and cassette tapes “13 Reasons Why,” so the only thing surprising about her decision to get a “13 Reasons Why” tattoo is that it took her so long.

Over the weekend Selena hung out with two random actors on the show she’s apparently BFFs with – the guy with the zine who fucks Hannah over and Hannah’s ex best friend who fucks her over – and they celebrated their friendship like true adults.

Not by buying some shitty fake gold necklace from Claire’s, but by getting matching tiny tats.

READ ALSO: Selena Finally Got the Weeknd to Kiss Her in a Paparazzi Pic

All three of them decided to get black semicolons on their wrists, which in addition to representing a pause between two main clauses, is apparently a symbol of mental health awareness and suicide prevention.

Who knew?

READ ALSO: In “13 Reasons Why,” All the Teens Look Like Teens

Although TBH they planned their day of fun all wrong because they waited to get their tattoos AFTER they’d already taken a group photo with a “13 Reasons Why” billboard.

What a missed opportunity.

[H/T E!]

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