Selena Gomez and Orlando Bloom Did Another Scandalous Thing

Before we begin telling the story, a big congratulations is in order for Selena Gomez and Orlando Bloom.

Today they graduated from looking scandalous in photos to looking scandalous in videos.

Today TMZ released a video of Selena and Orlando leaving the club in Vegas where they were seen kissing, hugging and neck-nuzzling, a sexual act that remains a mystery to us. 

Already “inside sources” are painting conflicting portraits of what this all means.

According to one of Us Weeklys sources, “Nothing happened. It was totally nothing and harmless with Selena. He [Orlando Bloom] was in town and came to say ‘Hi‘ to their manager. That night, they all left in the same car with their manager, ate hamburgers and then each went home separately.”

Meanwhile, another one of Us’s sources says that while they were at the club, “Orlando was all over her. He kept pulling her close to him,” which kind of contradicts the whole nothing happened and it was harmless narrative. 

For what it’s worth, TMZ’s source confirms the former of those statements, so all we can say for sure is that Selena and Orlando’s tradition of looking scandalous together in public is alive and well.

For more information on their very confusing and potentially sordid history, read this:
Selena Gomez and Orlando Bloom Continue Their Tradition of Looking Scandalous In Photos


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