People are actually tattooing freckles to their face to match their zodiac sign

If you thought spending hours comparing your zodiac compatibility with the guy you met at the coffee shop last week was dedication, then you haven’t seen the latest cosmetic tattoo trend.

“AstroFrecks”, a term created by cosmetic tattoo artist Jessica Knapik, are semi-permanent freckles that are tattooed to the face in the shape of your star sign. While Jessica does help her customers pick out a color to match naturally with their skin tone, the ink only lasts about two years and gradually gets lighter over time.

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Unfortunately, the face art comes out of Michigan, so we don’t think we’ll be trying it anytime soon. Though, we can pretty much guarantee someone in Hollywood will be picking it up in the near future!

[H/T: Cosmopolitan]

Gimme More Beauty

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